
Fall 2013:

Spring 2013:

Fall 2012:

Spring 2012:

Fall 2011:

Spring 2011:

In Fall 2010 I taught CCOM 3030 - Fundamental Structures of Computer Science and CCOM 3981 - Undergraduate Seminar 1 Section 03.

In Spring 2010 I taught CCOM 3030 - Fundamental Structures of Computer Science. I'm using the department's moodle server to host the course materials.

I taught MATE 6685 - Bioinformatics spring semester 2009.

I also have a plone site that holds some older courses. For example, Spring 2004 I taught a couple of classes, CCOM 4086 - Computer Architecture (2004) and MATE 6685 - Bioinformatics (2004) that have content on the plone site. I also have some lectures for Dr. Moreno's 2006 Bioinformatics class.

Troglodita approved!

Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga

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